Alexis Flakes
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When They See Us Red Carpet

Flakes Hosting Reel

Flakes Producer Reel

Remy Producers Beat Battle NYC
Alexis Flakes is a digital video producer, host, and editor with an eclectic background across various industries. Her experience in video production sharpened through the process of creating her own web series (Let ME Find Out Show) where Flakes would conduct in depth interviews with people who are following their dreams and chronicle their road to success. Flakes would then go on to capture news, lifestyle, and event recap content for brands such as theGrio and Butterfly Dreamz. The video’s she has produced in the year of 2019 have a total organic viewership of over 500 thousand.
Born in the capital city of Lansing, Michigan, Flakes holds a degree from Howard University in Hospitality Management. She went on to pursue opportunities in management, real estate, and education, then entrepreneur endeavors including consulting and event planning. After some soul-searching Flakes has found her life’s passion in storytelling. She has the goal of creating a network that produces more positive imagery of people of color in the media. You can find Flakes teaching yoga, or designing earrings, outside of the cultural and lifestyle content she loves to produce.